StartIntroD7 ■A7 ■D7 ■A7 ■D7 ■A7 ■D7 ■VerseA7 HomerunSeventeenA7 righthere구회말이아웃이어도A7 두손엔배트들고있어A7 뒤로물러서지말고아무말도듣지말고A7 그냥내가끌리는대로만하면돼Hit'emup공날아올때A7 기회는한방남아있어Don'tA7 giveupDon'tgiveupDon'tA7 giveupNananananananananaA7 Okay일루이루지나삼루base밟아A7 다음타자나와youknowthatIbelieveya위를향해giveitawaygiveitaway빠A 평소처럼만A7 ■Gm7 ■A7 하면돼Dm7 뭐가그리걱정돼Gm7 더멀리멀리날려보자A7 하늘위로yeheheh홈런Bb ■Chorus또A7 ■홈런Dm 저멀리G7 담장을넘기자Bb 다시홈런또홈런A7 모두따라다라닷뛰쳐나와라Bb babeIcan'tstopthefeelingDm Ican'tstopthefeelingfeelingBb 높이뜬공이저태양을가리게A 홈런VerseD7 Uh움츠리지말고어깨펴우린자고A7 나면내일있어G7 ■공좀던져봐라거기너Bb 다같이놀아보자힘이닿을때까지A 더삶은숨막히게쫓아A ■도망치느라모두바빠A 술래잡기왜해요A7 딴거하고놀아요Gm7 평소처럼만A7 하면돼Dm7 뭐가그리걱정돼Gm7 더멀리멀리날려보자A7 하늘위로yehehBb ehChorus홈런또홈런Dm 저멀리담장을넘기자Bb 다시홈런또홈런A7 모두따라다라닷뛰쳐나와라babeIA7 can'tstopthefeelingDm Ican'tG stopthefeelingfeelingBb ■높이뜬공이저태양을가리게D7 홈런꿈의Gm7 ■Bridge여정은FM7 ■끝이없겠지만FM7 ■C7 오늘은잠깐A7 쉬고가도Gm7 돼아침해가FM7 ■뜰FM7 때까지우리만의FM7 잔치를끝날때까지달리자aowUh얼씨구FM7 절씨구ChorusFM7 ■FM7 ■F ■Uhuh우리는하면F ■해겁이없지F ■우리는playandF ■Dm playYehehehBb 홈런또홈런Dm 후회없는날을만들자Bb 만루홈런또홈런A7 모두Dm 따라다라닷할수있잖아babeIDm can'tstopBbM7 thefeelingDm ■Ican'tstopthefeelingfeelingBb ■오늘내일모레매일놀아보자내Dm 인생은홈런Dm ■Bb ■OutroA7 ■Dm ■Bb ■A7 ■Bb ■A7 ■Dm ■G ■Bb ■A ■Dm ■EndDm ■
Frequently asked questions about this recording
Do you know the artist that plays on 'Homerun' ?
Tim Van der Kuil played on the recording of Seventeen
What chords are in Homerun?
Homerun contains G7 G Fmaj7 Dm C7 Dm7 Gm7 F Bbmaj7 A A7 Bb D7
What tempo should you practice Homerun by Seventeen?
Just play Homerun with this BPM: 95.
What key does Homerun have?
Homerun is in Dm.
When did Homerun hit the market?
Homerun hit the market in 2020.