Tomorrow X Together
StartIntroC7 ■D7 ■G ■GM7 ■Bm7 ■Bm ■Em ■I'maG loserBm ■Em ■VerseI'maloserEm Ayyohyeahyeah회색빛Bm 차를타고Bm 달아나고있어Bm 빌어먹을세상너머네손을Bm 잡은내손Bm 상처뿐이지만Itdoesn'tmatterwhenE7 I'mwithG you이길수없던G fightingbleedingBm losing이젠지쳤어Em 가질수없다면Ifuckin'keepitG lowCryingcryingcryingBm ■이젠집어쳐Em LoveyouloveyouloveyouNomatterwhatIEm doChorusIsayrun미친듯Bm 크게웃어줘Em ■눈물은이제goodEm ■byetimetoEm sayRun절대Bm 뒤돌아보지마Bm ■두Em 손엔hunnitbandsI'maloserG ■I'maloserBm I'maloserE7 ■LoverwithadollarEm signIsaloserEm ■I'maloverEm ■I'maloverE7 ■LoverEm withadollarE7 signIsaloserVerseE7 전쟁같은life지기만D 했었던나넌내D 구원이었어NodoubtnoE7 ■doubtnodoubtE7 벼랑끝에서너의Bm 빛이D 나를이끌어Em MakingmeawinnerSorightG ■sorightsorightChorus밑바닥에서G crawlingfightingbleedingBm 이젠지쳤어거절하겠다면Em ■Ifuckin'takeitallG CryingcryingcryingBm ■이젠집어쳐Em LoveyouloveyouloveyouEm NomatterwhatIdoIsayrunEm ■미친듯Bm 크게웃어줘Em 눈물은이제goodEm ■byetimetosayG Run절대Bm 뒤돌아보지마Em ■두손엔hunnitEm bandsI'maloserEm ■I'maloserEm ■I'maloserEm ■LoverE7 withadollarEm signIsaloserEm ■I'maloverB7 ■I'maBm loverEm ■LoverwithadollarEm signIsaloserBridge뛰어내려G fromthishighwayBm 펼친채부러진날개영원을Em 향해flyin'안간힘Em 써봐도추락해너와G 함께라면추락도D 아름다워Bm ■하늘의Bm 반대편으로기꺼이나Em7 가라앉아그저서로를G 안아줬으면해내어설픈비행끝날Bm 때쯤엔모두가날비웃어도IEm don'tcare가라앉고싶어너의Em 바다에ChorusIsayrunEm ■미친듯Bm 크게웃어줘눈물은Em ■이제Em goodbyetimetosayRunEm ■G 절대Bm 뒤돌아보지마Em ■두손엔hunnitEm bandsI'maloserEm ■I'maG loserBm I'maB7 loserE7 ■LoverwithadollarsignE7 ■IsaloserEm ■I'maG loverBm ■I'maloverE7 ■LoverwithadollarE7 signIsaloserOutroEm ■Em ■G ■G ■End
Frequently asked questions about this recording
Do you know the artist that plays on 'Loerloer' ?
Tim Van der Kuil played on the recording of Tomorrow X Together
What chords are in Loerloer?
Loerloer contains Em7 G Gmaj7 Em E7 C7 D7 Bm7 Bm B7 D
What tempo should you practice Loerloer by Tomorrow X Together?
Just play Loerloer with this BPM: 125.
What key does Loerloer have?
Loerloer is in G.
When did Loerloer hit the market?
Loerloer hit the market in 2021.