I'M Picky

Shaka Ponk


I'm picky 

E                                    E 
Well all the girls I drive 'em crazy  

I drive 'em crazy 'cause I'm sexy 

     E                         E 
They  call me sexy 'cause I'm hot catch my knot 

Don't you know I am so hot 'cause I am picky 

Well everything is in a lack 

Lack of me into you thing'll makes you scream my name 

E          G#m           F# 
Honey Holy Hole set your goal 

To make you wonder why I'm cold and distant 

I'm cold and distant yes I am 

    E     F#             E 
I'm picky 'cause I'm all alone 

                   E                       E 
You know that it's crimi yes it's criminal  

    G#m   F#             B 
I'm picky 'cause I'm all alone 

    C#        G#m          F#          B 
And maybe I'm alone 'cause I'm a picky one 

  C#          G#            F#            B 
I got a lotta girls waiting for me not to call 

C#      E              F# 
Another Sunday morning on my own 

   G#7    E                       C#7 
Oh porque porque siempre dices lo mismo 

C#7                  G#7 
Lo mismo shiza shy I am bimbambam 

I fall down and shame again on me 

'cause you're laughin' with your friends 

C#7                            G#7 
About my weirdo comportamiento  

G#           F# 
I'm Picky yo freaky no dating 

            Fm                       C#m7 
Modelos and woman consistent and too persistent 

I'm cold and distant 

G#7      G#    G#          E                 C#7   C#7 
Remember   me and all the girls I drive 'em crazy  

                             G#7  G#m F#             E 
I drive 'em crazy 'cause I'm lazy    I don't give a damn 

                     G#m  F#           E 
You know I'm fuckin' lazy I don't give  a damn 

    G#    F#             B 
I'm picky 'cause I'm all alone 

    C#        G#    G#m    F#          B 
And maybe I'm alone 'cause I'm a picky one 

     C#           G#            F#            B    C# 
I've got a lot of girls waiting for me not to call  

        E              F# 
Another Sunday morning on my own 

    G#m   F#               B 
And maybe I'm too good for you 

   C#              G#   G#m F#              B 
Or maybe you don't know me 'cause  you know nada 

     C#          G#     F#             B 
I've got a lotta comics to read on the throne 

     C#         E 
Good   looking you and I could get along 

            F#             F# B C# F# G# B C# F# B C# F# E F# G#m 
I'm Picky I drive them all                       crazy 

I drive them all crazy 

You know that I'm hot yes I'm hot 

B                    C# 
I'm picky 'cause I'm all alone 

              G#m          F#          B 
And maybe I'm alone 'cause I'm a picky  one 

     C#           G#m           F#            B    C# 
I've got a lot of girls waiting for me not to call  

        E              F#       G#m     G#m G#m 
Another Sunday morning   on my    own     


Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Do you know the artist that plays on 'I'M Picky' ?
  • What chords are in I'M Picky?
  • What tempo should you practice I'M Picky by Shaka Ponk?
  • What key does I'M Picky have?
  • When did I'M Picky hit the market?