StartVerseYeahyeahLet'sgolikewhat자유로운기분Ilikethat고민따윈alreadydonedone색안경G7 끼고보는게죄지That'snotmyG7 faultwoahDb7 ToldyaIdon'tG7 careatall내멋대로갈G7 거야필요없어G7 orderDon'tneednoguidanceI'mG7 makin'mywayI'monmyG7 wayupRuntotheG7 top난언제든G straightup원래두려운게없어C 난Chorus상관없어D callmeG troubleOrEm youcancallmeC weirdoD 나로살고G 싶어Em 턱끝을C 치켜올린C ■채로다가질Em 듯한F attitude그거면D7 돼D7 ■G7 Putmysneakerson하나둘readyG7 getsetgoPutmyG7 sneakersonC7 ■G7 Putmysneakerson하나둘readyG7 getsetgo멀리가보자고G7 yahyahD7 ■VerseC7 기다리던G7 순간standupstandup빨리뛰는심장don'tG7 stopdon'tstopGetlooseG7 불태워지금myyouthThepartyain'tG7 started시작도안했어난요즘꽂힌G7 ■말이하나G7 있지MybestisC yettocomeChorus상관없어D callG metroubleOrEm youcancallmeC weirdoD 나로살고G 싶어Em 턱끝을C 치켜올린채로다가질Em 듯한attitudeF 그거면돼F ■G7 Putmysneakerson하나둘readyG7 getsetgoPutmyG7 sneakersonPutmyG7 ■sneakerson하나둘readyG7 getsetgo멀리가보자고G7 yahyahDb7 ■G7 자유롭게뛰고싶어다른사람시선들don'tcareG7 now어디까지가게될지G7 모르지만일단은startrightG7 nowYeahG7 alright멈추지마totheG7 topDon'tworryaboutit'causeG youknowIPutmysneakersC on상관없어D7 callmeG troubleOrC youcancallmeweirdoD 나로살고G 싶어C 턱끝을치켜D 올린채로다Eb 가질듯한Em attitude그거면F 돼YoubetterF putyoursneakersonG ■G7 Putmysneakerson하나둘readyG7 getsetgoPutmyG7 sneakersonG7 ■PutmyG7 sneakerson하나둘readyG7 getsetgo멀리가보자고G7 yahyahC7 ■G7 자유롭게뛰고싶어다른사람시선들don'tcareG7 now어디까지가게될지G7 모르지만일단은startrightC7 nowG7 Yeahalright멈추지마totheG7 top같이걸어G7 가보자고C7 ■End
Frequently asked questions about this recording
Do you know the artist that plays on 'Sneakers' ?
Tim Van der Kuil played on the recording of Itzy
What chords are in Sneakers?
Sneakers contains D7 Eb C7 Db7 Em G7 D G C F
What tempo should you practice Sneakers by Itzy?
Just play Sneakers with this BPM: 120.
What key does Sneakers have?
Sneakers is in G.
When did Sneakers hit the market?
Sneakers hit the market in 2022.