In The Morning
StartIntroShhGuesswholovesyouF#7 나야나F#7 DoIshowyouNo야noF#7 아직time이아냐난F#7 좀더가까이좀더가까이그러다갑자기싹VerseF#7 I'maF# stealit마음을훔쳐YouareF# gonnalovemeF# 결정적일때이빨을드러내는type나와F# 두눈이마주쳐도난F#7 흔들림이없어no널F#7 사랑하는게죄라면범인은whoF#7 ■You'llneverknowBabyF#7 헷갈려헷갈려B7 헷갈리겠지넌결국엔B7 ■내거야내거야F# 내게되겠지넌이제DM7 finallyfinally택할시간이야Bm ■벌써어느새C#7 또밤이되었습니다I'mthemafiaWedoitC#7 likeamafiaChorusI'mtheF# mafiaC# ■F# ■C# Wedoitlikeamafia또아침이F# 밝았습니다C# ■F# ■F# 어젯밤에도C# ■F# ■youC# ■don'tevenknow누구일까C# mafiaF# ■F# 날이밝아도youdon'tC# evenF# knowF# ■누구일까C# mafiaC#7 ■VerseC#7 배우보다더배우C#7 늑대가지고노는여우C#7 전혀안보이겠지C#7 ■clueC#7 하지만나에겐다계획이있다고goC#7 그만머뭇머뭇대F# ■슬슬F# 작전개시너를F# 뺏어뺏어뺏어likeacapermovie알수F# 없는pokerfaceF#7 점령해네맘속placeF#7 HurryupBabycatchmeifyoucanhahaChorusBabyF# 헷갈려C#7 헷갈려헷갈리겠지B7 ■넌결국엔내C#7 거야내거야내게F# 되겠지넌이제F# finallyDM7 finally택할시간이야Bm7 ■벌써Bm7 어느새또밤이되었습니다I'mtheBm7 mafiaWedoitlikeaF# mafiaC# ■F# ■C# I'mtheF# mafiaWedoitlikeaF# mafiaC# ■F# ■누구일까C# mafiaC#7 ■F# 마지막밤이Bm 깊었어B babyD 이밤이지나면C# 네곁엔나C#7 하나yeahF#7 yeah마침내B7 ■피할수D7 없는아침이와hahahaD7 ■I'mtheF# mafiaC# ■F# ■F# WedoitlikeamafiaC#7 ■F# ■C# ■F#7 I'mthemafiaF# WedoC# itlikeF# ■amafia또C# 아침이밝았습니다F# 어젯밤에도youC# don'tF# evenknow누구일까F# ■End
Frequently asked questions about this recording
Do you know the artist that plays on 'In The Morning' ?
Tim Van der Kuil played on the recording of Itzy
What chords are in In The Morning?
In The Morning contains B7 Bm D Dmaj7 C#7 F#7 C# F# Bm7 B D7
What tempo should you practice In The Morning by Itzy?
Just play In The Morning with this BPM: 140.
What key does In The Morning have?
In The Morning is in F#.
When did In The Morning hit the market?
In The Morning hit the market in 2021.