Ikon - '리듬 타' Dance Practice
StartIntroWegon'getitpopitWegon'wegon'getitpopitG ■G AyjustsoundlittleD Turnitupこの音にD7 さぁ乗G んなrhythmtaG RhythmtaRhythmtaG ■RhythmtaD7 この音にさぁ乗んなrhythmtaVerseG7 ■おい颔け何してんだG7 ■よuh胸と腰をクネらせなよ选G7 ばないぜそうオレら场所D7 と时间をカッコつけない悪い例G7 最近のアイドルuh楽しむのに理由なんかG7 必要かねノリやすいありがちな歌さコレG7 题名あえて付けんなら称賛こD7 の歌を流せばクジラも踊りだすYeahcomeG andG7 getit来な老若男女音流れる世界各国鼻G7 歌歌えladidadiD7 今夜はそうreadytodieyeahdieyeahG 时は金だが石欲张G7 んなお高G くとまんな游びたいのわG7 ■かんだよ鼻歌歌えladidadiみんG7 な动かせbodywowChorusRhythmG7 tarhythmG taG7 rhythmG7 ■G ■D taこの音にD7 さぁ乗んなrhythmtaG Wegon'getitpopitWegon'G7 wegon'getitpopitG7 Wegon'getitpopitWegon'wegon'getitpopitG7 Wegon'getitpopitWegon'wegon'getitpopD7 itVerseこの音にさぁ乗んなrhythmG ■taおい颔け何してんだよG いつも通りの夜なんかじゃないぞもしG 今日を逃し后悔すれば后悔したこと后悔すD7 る后悔したくないんだったら后悔なんかすんなOhyeahrightG7 首振んなComeG7 on飞び跳ねろオレとG7 共にrhythmtaUccに载せろオマエが踊るの8小节D7 踊りやすいよう夏休みの计画みたく意味なんかG7 ないYeahcomeandgetit来な老若男女音G7 流れる世G 界各国鼻G 歌歌えladidadiD7 今夜はそうreadytodieyeahdieyeahG7 时は金だが石欲张んなG7 ■お高くとまんな游びたいのG7 わかんだよ鼻歌歌えladidadiみんG7 な动かせbodyohohChorusG7 RhythmtaG7 ■rhythmG7 ■taG ■rhythmD7 taこの音にさぁ乗んなrhythmtaG Wegon'getitpopitWegon'wegon'getitpopitG7 Wegon'getitpopitWegon'wegon'getitpopitG Wegon'getitpopitWegon'wegon'getitpopD7 itこの音にさぁ乗んなrhythmtaみんなCm 首を振れよ腕を组んでthugD7 っぽくしG ろみんなでユラユラユラユラしよG うオレらウダウダブラブラしようボリューCm ムを上げてリズムに任せみんD なでユラユラユラユラしG よう少しウダウダブラブラしD7 ようRhythmtayeahRhythmtayeahG ■yeahG ■rhythmG7 ■G ■tarhythmtaD この音にさぁ乗んなD7 rhythmtaG7 Wegon'getitG popitWegon'wegon'getitpopitG7 Wegon'getitpopitWegon'wegon'getitpopitG7 Wegon'getitpopitWegon'wegon'getitpopitこのD7 音にさぁ乗んなrhythmtaEndG ■G ■
Frequently asked questions about this recording
Do you know the artist that plays on 'Ikon - '리듬 타' Dance Practice' ?
Tim Van der Kuil played on the recording of Ikon
What chords are in Ikon - '리듬 타' Dance Practice?
Ikon - '리듬 타' Dance Practice contains G7 Cm G D7 D
What tempo should you practice Ikon - '리듬 타' Dance Practice by Ikon?
Just play Ikon - '리듬 타' Dance Practice with this BPM: 82.
What key does Ikon - '리듬 타' Dance Practice have?
Ikon - '리듬 타' Dance Practice is in G.
When did Ikon - '리듬 타' Dance Practice hit the market?
Ikon - '리듬 타' Dance Practice hit the market in 2015.