StartIntroVerseB7 Hey너그러다후회한다고조금더크면알게B7 된다고Em ■Em7 ■E7 ■Em7 ■E7 ■매번B 다시똑같은말만I'msickandB tiredofitI'msickandtiredofit하고싶은게B7 뭐냐고너는커서뭐가될Em 거냐고모르겠네요Em 처음이라더살아봐야Em ■알것같은데에이래라저래라에베베베씹어주면난더즐겨B poppoppopB7 재질이완전풍선껌터져B7 ■pumpumpumAhE7 yeah끼리끼리들모여쪽쪽쪽입들이안쉬어참그냥박수Gb7 쳐청기B7 들어백기들어어너는왜B7 ■말안들어나때는음너때가뭐B 에구머니야가던길가셔내말이E 다맞다고E 해봐서다안다고YessiryessiryesE sirChorusGracias걱정은nothanksA I'mokayB 난그저나일E 뿐인걸날위해서라C 하지마B 내버려둬난내E 리듬에춤을춰춤을춰춤을A 춰B 움직여움직여E 움직여춤을춰춤을춰C 춤을춰내시간은B7 내가원하는Em 대로E ■FixonyeahE ■Verse쏜다길을비켜라내가나간다번쩍E 하나둘하면정적지나친관심은독이니E 잔을버리고blessup선봉의우두머리E uh백이면백을잡지uh준비를하시고잡아내E 꼬리에꼬리를물때까지청기B7 들어백기들어어너는B7 왜말안들어나때는음너때가뭐B 에구머니야가던길가셔내말이다맞다고B 해봐서다안다고YessiryessiryesB sirChorusGracias걱정은nothanksA I'mokayB 난그저나일E 뿐인걸날위해서라C 하지마B 내버려둬난내E 리듬에춤을춰춤을춰춤을A 춰B 움직여움직여Em 움직여E 춤을춰춤을춰C 춤을춰내B 시간은Em 내가원하는대로하지마하지B7 마네맘대로나는날나는Em 날잘B7 알아Em ■뭐든다뭐든B7 다내식대로하게B7 내버려둬WeareE anothertypeWeareG anotherbaby각자의A 속도는다달라WeareC allanotherbaby내말좀들으라고G7 해보면안되냐고YessiryessiryesG7 sirG7 ■I'mokayit'salright걱정은A nothanksI'mokay난그저E 나일뿐인걸날위해서라C ■하지마내버려둬E 난내리듬에춤을A 춰춤을춰춤을춰E 움직여움직여움직여춤을춰춤을Em 춰C 춤을춰내시간은B7 ■E 내가Em 원하는대로OutroEm ■Em ■Gm ■D ■D7 ■D ■
Frequently asked questions about this recording
Do you know the artist that plays on 'Thanxx' ?
Tim Van der Kuil played on the recording of Ateez
What chords are in Thanxx?
Thanxx contains D7 Em Gm Gb7 B7 B G7 E7 E G D A Em7 C
What tempo should you practice Thanxx by Ateez?
Just play Thanxx with this BPM: 82.
What key does Thanxx have?
Thanxx is in E.
When did Thanxx hit the market?
Thanxx hit the market in 2020.